Get involved
want to be part of the story?
Whether you're an individual wanting to try your hand learning practical skills or share your expertise; a company looking for a fun, team-building day or interested in donating or making an investment, there are a number of ways to get involved.

If you'd like to join us or find out more
Interested in helping us make our living lab sites more productive, beautiful and biodiverse? From seed sowing to transplanting, pruning and harvesting, learn the art of food growing.
At the Calthorpe Community Garden, a green urban oasis, we grow food for the on-site cafe using fertiliser made from the cafe's food waste.
If you're interested in technology, you can get involved with electronics, operating and maintaining a digester, monitoring hydroponic systems at the R-Urban site.
We also need strategic skills to help develop the business case and plan ahead.
Any training courses we provide are free for volunteers.
Volunteering sessions run on:
Mondays 11am - 2pm
Fridays 11am - 1pm
Be part of the green revolution!
There are several ways to get involved at a level to suit your organisation such as:
sponsoring mini projects
team building corporate volunteer days
holding sustainability themed events and trainings at our Central London venue

Step 1:
Step 2:
We’ll discuss the options available. Sample projects and volunteer activities include:
Building an outdoor energy generating gym
Upcycling used timber to build outdoor furniture, window boxes etc.
Seasonal food growing activities
Helping make new raised beds and hydroponic systems
Step 3:
A more sustainable community we can all be proud to BE PART OF!

Many hands make light work!
Open source learning can help accelerate the development and uptake of circular solutions can be shared to help create a sustainable world!
Would you like to participate? Do you have experience, skills or resources that might help make an open source platform a a reality?
If you are an organisation, researcher or individual trying to find sustainable solutions to the puzzles of waste, energy, food and water and think there may be synergy with what we're doing, we'd like to hear from you.
In nature, symbiosis is everywhere; take lichen, the partnership of alga and fungi, enabling both organisms to live almost anywhere; or protozoans living inside termites, helping them digest wood; and of course bees on flower pollination duty.
Collaboration helps the world go round. As humans, we evolve faster and think smarter when we work together and bridge disciplines. Working in isolation can often result in the same mistakes being made over and over again.


We hope we've fired you up with our vision of the organic circular economy!
Our work currently relies on funding and long hours! Once we become economically self sufficient, we hope to create the green training and employment opportunities that motivated us in the first place.
If you feel inspired to support the cause, there are a number of options:
sharing time an/or expertise - see our volunteering section for opportunities
using our services - see our products and services page for options
investment - if you an impact investor and are interested in the work we do, please get in touch